What I Packed In My Hospital Bag

I packed and re-packed and re-packed and revised my hospital bag packing list more times than I would like to admit! I literally make a list anytime I have to pack, even if it is overnight! Also due to delivering during a pandemic, there were visitor restrictions so if I left something at home I couldn’t have anyone bring something to the hospital on their way. Below is exactly what made the final list, plus what we used and did not use.

  1. Sleep shirt & Slippers: This sleep shirt was such a good choice to bring with me. I am nursing so this was a great option due to the button-front closure. Aaaaaand it is literally the softest PJ shirt I’ve ever worn. O.M.G. The length is ideal for going to the bathroom postpartum especially because I did not want to wear pants this time. Stitches and pants do not mix. I did not use the slippers. I packed these because they have a non-slip sole but the hospital provided socks that were more convenient than the slippers. Your own nursing bra and panties are good to bring along too. I changed into my nursing bra after I delivered to make things easier. As glamorous as it may not be, the hospitals mesh undies are a must better option for the 3-5 days following delivery. I brought my own from home but did not wear them except on the ride home (over the mesh ones because you could see the pattern through my leggings).
  2. Laptop: I packed my laptop so Eddie and I could watch TV together. (We are literally obsessed with Cobra Kai right now!! It’s soooo good!!) Due to the time we checked into the hospital and started everything, we did not get to watch anything together like we anticipated the first night. The 2nd night the Astros were playing and won!
  3. Personal Toiletries: This is an absolute must!! You will need to bring your own toiletries such as toothpaste, face wash and shower gel. Eddie and I both showered at the hospital so I made sure to bring along shampoo and conditioner as well. I’m really glad I packed this because we had to unexpectedly stay an extra day.
  4. Go-Home Clothes (Matching Optional): Sister and I will be matching for as long as she allows me to pick her outfits. Needless to say discharge day was the first of many matching days. With a newborn fresh out of the hospital, we weren’t going out for a night on the town so I made sure to pack something comfortable for the drive home… well Starbucks, Target, Syrus then home. In my opinion you do not need to bring any other items for baby unless it is your absolute preference. The hospital provides clothes, blankets, soap, lotion, diapers and wipes to use (and take home).
  5. Camera: Eddie and I love to take pictures because memories! During Syrus’ delivery the hospital provided optional in-house photographers. This time around due to COVID there were not photographers available to capture those candid shots. With me being occupied delivering a baby and all, Eddie was the photographer.
  6. Personal Pillow and Blanket: This is a must that Eddie unfortunately left at home… WHOMP!! While the hospital does provide pillows and blankets, they just are not as comfortable as your own. On the bright side, you don’t do much sleeping in the Labor and Delivery unit or with a newborn so he barely noticed.
  7. Chargers: This is obvious but hospital stays for labor and delivery are at least 2 days. You will need your electronics charged during that time. Especially during COVID, communication to the outside world with news of your new bundle of joy’s arrival is a must. I would definitely recommend a long charger that will reach the bed easily. The hospital bed is too far to use a normal charger. I also brought my watch, laptop and camera chargers. I was not able to wear my watch most of my stay because of all the IVs but I was able to keep on before delivery and get my messages and other notifications.
  8. Personal Cup: I did use my Rtic cup the first nights we stayed but for health reasons related to COVID, the souvenir mug provided by the hospital was what the staff used to get us ice and water refills.
  9. Personal Snacks: The hospital does provide meals and even under COVID, Eddie was permitted to leave during visitation hours to get food. During the day we still snacked on items that did not require refrigeration like chips, trail mix and chocolate.
  10. Thank You’s for the Nurses and Staff: I did not finish writing out my generic “Thank you for taking care of us and getting our new baby into the world. We appreciate your hard work!” cards like I had planned. (According to my pregnancy plan we still had another week.) There were also snacks that were to go inside the bags for them. Since I did not have them with me, I made sure to write the nurse’s names down and Eddie dropped off the bags for them later.

– OCTOBER 2020
