Accountability & Your Goals

Accountability & Your Goals

4 Steps That Are Helping Me Stay on Track to Reaching My Goals

  1. Write Them Down. I will forever be a paper girl! My desk is covered in sticky notes and I have 2 paper planners – work and personal. Perhaps my millennial ways are to blame but I’ve found when I take my thoughts from mind to paper, it gets me one step closer to making them a reality. Write down your ultimate goal (not reasonably attainable in the next 3 months) in a place where you look at it daily so it is fresh in mind and doesn’t get lost. I’ve updated my phone’s wallpaper. A friend recently suggested to write our goals/to-do list on our bathroom mirror so every morning and every night you see it right in our faces.
  2. Have An Action Plan. Okay so you have your goals written down – grow your business, lose weight, learn a new language, travel more, stack your money – then what? Directly under the #1 goal, detail a plan of action how to make it happen. For example, right now one of my 2023 goals is to fit back into a dress I have not worn in years by the summer. So right under my ultimate goal, I write smaller goals for the upcoming 3 months that include a reasonable weight and clothes size for each month. Then within each month, I jot down what I can do each week to meet the goal (gradually changing diet, increasing cardio time by a minute or 2 each week, pack my gym bag the night before, etc.)
  3. Tell A Friend. When trying to reach your goals, accountability is huge factor. Share your goals with a true friend that will support you on the journey and firmly remind you to keep on track! Spouse, best friends, siblings, parents, whoever will help.
  4. Start! No matter how you feel or where you are in the journey, just start. If you stop, start again and give yourself some grace. If it’s something you truly want, you will be disappointed in yourself for not making it happen? We keep promises to others who hold us accountable; why not the ones we make to ourselves?

– January 2023
